Американская военная машина. Глубинная политика, глобальная связь ЦРУ с наркотиками и путь в Афганистан - Peter Dale Scott
.compromat.ru/main/surikov/saidov.htm; partial translation at http://www.left.ru/burtsev/ops/yasenev_en.phtml: Yasenev implied that in 2003–2004, Georgia Far West had worked with KBR on the two Rose Revolutions that ousted Shevardnadze and installed Georgia’s present ruler, Saakashvili (Peter Dale Scott, “The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11,” Lobster, October 29, 2005, http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/articles/global-drug.htm).
60. “—Vladimir Ilyich [Filin], is it true that Americans are involved in drug business?
—Yes, they are in ideal situation for this. They control the Bagram airfield from where the Air Force transport planes fly to a U.S. military base in Germany. In the last two years this base became the largest transit hub for moving Afghan heroin to other US bases and installations in Europe. Much of it goes to Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia. From there the Kosovo Albanian mafia moves heroin back to Germany and other EU countries” (Alexander Nagorny, “Narkobarony iz CIA i MI-6,” PravdaInfo, September 13, 2004, translated into English at Left.ru, http://left.ru/inter/2005/
61. John B. Dunlop, “‘Storm in Moscow’: A Plan of the Yeltsin ‘Family’ to Destabilize Russia,” Hoover Institution, October 8, 2004, http://www.sais-jhu.edu/programs/res/papers/Dunlop%20paper.pdf. This article disappeared from the Johns Hopkins University’s SAIS website shortly after my critique of it was published in October 2005.
62. David Satter, “The Shadow of Ryazan: Is Putin’s Government Legitimate: Is Putin’s Government Legitimate?” National Review, April 30, 2002, http://www.na
tionalreview.com/comment/comment-satter043002.asp. Cf. David Satter, Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), chap. 2.
63. Patrick Cockburn, Independent, January 29, 2000: “Boris Kagarlitsky, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Comparative Politics, writing in the weekly Novaya Gazeta, says that the bombings in Moscow and elsewhere were arranged by the GRU (the Russian military intelligence service). He says they used members of a group controlled by Shirvani Basayev, brother of the Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, to plant the bombs. These killed 300 people in Buikask, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September. Mr Kagarlitsky, who, from internal evidence in the article, is drawing on a source with close knowledge of the GRU, says that invasion of Dagestan by Shamil Basayev himself in August was pre-arranged with a senior Kremlin leader at a meeting in France in July.”
64. Dunlop, “‘Storm in Moscow.’”
65. Letter of Anton Surikov to Oleg Grechenevsky: “I am personally acquainted with Mr. Ermarth as political scientist since 1996. It’s well known by many people and we never hid this fact.” Fritz Ermarth did not retire from the CIA until 1998. Cf. Argumenty i Facty, September 15, 1999, http://www.aif.ru/oldsite/986/art010
.html. That the two men met in 1996 was indeed public knowledge. (The Russian journal Commersant published a photo of the two men and others at the International Seminar on Global Security in Virginia in April 1996). However, in 2002, Surikov’s paper, Pravda.ru, published a front-page story (or, better, rumor) linking Ermarth to Surikov’s enemy Berezovsky: “Berezovsky is much more interesting from the point of view of different manipulations in domestic and partially in foreign political life. For this very purpose, British special services ‘handed Berezovsky over’ to American colleagues. We have information that Fritz Ermarth, former CIA officer and specialist on special operations in the East-European region, is in close contact with the oligarch. Russiagate, the scandal on Russian budgetary finance laundering through BONY in August to September of 1998, was one of his projects. He is in contact with Former CIA Director Woolsey, who has no official job in Washington but is known as a person close to Cheney. It is not ruled out that it was Ermarth who suggested that Berezovsky switch his attention from the weak and unpromising micro-party Liberal Russia to financing and cooperation with the Communist Party” (http://english
66. Left.ru Press Conference, http://left.ru/2005/11/preskonf_eng.html.
67. Scott, “The Global Drug Meta-Group,” http://lobster-magazine.co.uk/articles/global-drug.htm#_ftn9; and Peter Dale Scott, “The Tao of 9/11,” Jacket 34, October 2007, http://jacketmagazine.com/34/scott-p-d-5p.shtml.
68. Dunlop, “‘Storm in Moscow.’”
69. In a revised version of my paper I delivered at a symposium at the University of Melbourne, August 12, 2006.
70. Laurie Nowell, “Did an Aussie Sell Nukes to Iran?” Sunday Herald Sun, June 7, 2009: “‘He said my father had been killed because the people at Far West and their Iranian partners feared the Americans would get to him and make him tell them about the missiles. They feared that he knew too much information about their dealings, and knew more information than anybody else.’ Far West’s partners, all former Russian or Ukrainian military or intelligence officers, had close contacts with military figures and mafia groups within Russia and its former satellites. They spirited the missiles out of the Ukraine and shipped them to Cyprus under the auspices of a company called SH Heritage Holdings—whose owner and sole director was Sarfraz Haider.”
71. Kommersant-Ukraina, Kiev, July 17, 2007, 3, as reported by BBC Monitoring Kiev Unit, July 18, 2007.
72. “X-55 Long Range Cruise Missile,” GlobalSecurity.org, http://www.globalsecu
rity.org/wmd/world/iran/x-55.htm. Cf. Financial Times, March 18, 2005.
73. Moisés Naím, Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats Are Hijacking the Global Economy (New York: Anchor, 2006), 279–80.
74. “US Companies Linked to Vice-President Cheney Supervised the Transfer of Ukrainian WMD to Iran,” Burtsev.ru, http://left.ru/burtsev/ops/novyiregion.phtml.
75. PravdaInfo, November 16, 2005, reported in English by Left.ru, “‘Consulting’ Agency Far West, LLC Paid $3 Million Bribe to Ukrainian Official for Illegal Arms Deals with Syria and Iran,” Left.ru, February 18, 2006, http://www.left.ru/burtsev/ops/lysenko.phtml. According to Left.ru, Filin’s admission was in response to an article by Ivan Demidov in the Ukrainian journal Obkom. Demidov accused two of Filin’s Far West partners, Ukrainian Generals Leonid Kosyakov and Alexei Likhvintsev, and the Russian billionaire Vyacheslav Kantor, adviser to Yushchenko, of seeking to obtain control over two Ukrainian seaports, in Odessa and Ilyichevsk. Demidov’s article (“Who Squeezes Juice from ‘Drug-Injected Oranges’”) hinted that under the guise of fertilizers to be exported to South America by Kantor’s company Akron, the group planned to transport drugs. It also reprinted a letter from a Ukrspetsexport official